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The bulk buying business landscape has changed immensely over the past decade. Salespeople going door-to-door with printed product catalogs in hand are a thing of the past. If you want your business to thrive, you'll need to establish a B2B e-commerce strategy sooner than later.
At WebRevelation, our experience with B2B e-commerce solutions has taught us how important it is for businesses to have an easy online buying experience, complete with custom catalogs, robust product information, corporate accounts, and more.
We are here to help small and medium sized business owners take their company to the next level with the following B2B e-commerce features:
If you want your business to excel, it's crucial to develop a Business to Business e-commerce platform. Your buyers will benefit from the ease and convenience of being able to log-in to their personalized account, browse through extensive product lists and make bulk purchases whether on their desktop or from their mobile device.
Success as a B2B e-commerce retailer can be hindered when old sales tactics are utilized. Don’t let your business fall victim to outdated practices. Some, but not all, challenges of doing business without a professional B2B E-commerce site include:
• Lost paper copies of catalogs prevent the buyer from viewing items they need
• Customers don’t have immediate access to view changes in pricing, product descriptions or quantities due to outdated print catalogs
• Incorrect bulk order placement due to human error
If buyers aren't getting what they need from you, they won't hesitate to look elsewhere. Don’t give your buyers a desire to turn to one of your competitors.
Using web-based software solutions, WebRevelation can tailor your B2B E-commerce website to hold unlimited product offerings, display current product descriptions and pricing, and create a plethora of custom filters for your buyers. Access to a user-friendly online buying experience and self-service options makes for happy, repeat buyers, which results in more money in your wallet.
Modern tools can make these issues a thing of the past. That's because the smartest companies are taking their product offerings online, ultimately making the buying experience better for their buyers, while also opening doors to new clients.
With a well-executed SEO plan, buyers searching for a specific item can locate your business online, even from across the country. Who doesn't love new business?
Don't let lack of expertise or lack of time stop you from implementing a B2B E-commerce strategy for your business. We have the knowledge and expertise to create and execute a strategic online presence for your company. Exceeding both client and buyer expectations is of top importance to WebRevelation. We'll help you ensure that you have the tools you need to produce high profit margins and retain buyers. We have the knowledge and expertise to create and execute a strategic online presence for your business.