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How to Develop Consistency With SEO

How to Develop Consistency With SEO

By Julie Short This blog was Posted on Thursday, May  17, 2018 7 YEARS AGO

How to Develop Consistency with SEOOne of the things that makes search engine optimization (SEO) difficult for a busy marketer is that it takes a consistent amount of time and effort to earn a top Google ranking. 

To understand why, think about it like exercise. You can’t simply toy with SEO when you feel motivated to do so. Unless you work at it every month (and preferably every week) you will struggle to make lasting improvements over time.

Of course, for a business owner with lots of other roles and responsibilities, being consistent with search engine optimization and content marketing can be difficult. It’s not impossible, though, especially if you follow these proven tips…

Work from an Editorial Calendar

The professionals who write your favorite blogs and television shows don’t get writers block because they plan themes and episodes well in advance. In other words, they never find themselves facing an empty screen or a blank piece of paper. You don’t have to, either. Work from a calendar of upcoming posts and you’ll never be out of inspiration.

Develop a Writing Habit

Writing isn’t really an activity; it’s more of a habit. By that, we mean it gets easier if you do it frequently. It’s difficult to stay on top of your content marketing if you’re constantly setting aside hours at a time to compose new ideas. See if you can commit to writing for 10 minutes a day instead. You’ll be amazed at how many more pages you can finish that way over a few months.

Mix in New Forms of Content

While succeeding in search engine optimization has traditionally been dependent on writing web pages, articles, and blog posts, those aren't your only choices. If you’re better working with images, video, or even audio clips, try promoting your company with those. Google uses advanced software that can “read” and “hear” non-text content that customers might like.

Get Help from Creative Professionals

If you find that you really don’t enjoy producing content, or simply can’t make the time, then you don’t have to let your search engine optimization campaigns wither and die. Instead, find a creative team who will take the time to learn about your business and let them take over your editorial calendar. You might not like paying for content, but it will be worth it over the long run when you start attracting more search visitors from Google.

Review Your Progress and Adjust

The most efficient and effective search engine optimization campaigns are constantly being tweaked and improved over time. Work with your creative team to review your web analytics and assess your progress. When it’s time to focus on new topics, markets, or keywords, don’t be afraid to experiment. Search habits change all the time, and your marketing plan should be adjusted accordingly.

Ready to Kick Off Your SEO Campaign?

If you’ve been following along in our search engine optimization series and want to start bringing more customers from Google to your business, this is your chance. Contact WebRevelation today at our offices in San Antonio and Oklahoma City to set up a free consultation.

We will be happy to review your website and online marketing goals with you to find an affordable and effective path forward. Contact us now!

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