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How to Know That You Need a New Website

How to Know That You Need a New Website

By Kendall Jarboe This blog was Posted on Thursday, June  14, 2018 7 YEARS AGO

how-to-know-that-you-need-a-new-websiteEvery business owner knows that trends, products, clients, and styles are always changing. To keep up with the times, your website should adapt to these changes. While websites constantly require minor upkeep, how do you know if your website needs a total makeover? Ask yourself the following five questions. If you answer “no” to any of them, then you probably need to revamp your website

Is your website is mobile friendly?

Just because your site looks fabulous on the desktop does not automatically mean users can painlessly maneuver it on their smartphones. Websites that haven’t joined the mobile-friendly movement are hurting themselves. The number of mobile users has been on a steady incline over the years. How do you know if your website is responsive to mobile devices? The test is simple: pull out your phone and explore your site. If images or information are squished together, or certain features don’t even work, then your site is not mobile friendly. 

Is your website traffic growing?

When it comes to your website, it should help build your clientele, not harm it. Consistently check your website traffic analytics. If the growth of your company has plateaued, or worse, declined, then your website needs to be revitalized. Every feature on your website should be intentional. If it’s not, that means you’re wasting precious space that could be used to expand your reach. 

Is your website easy to use?

This question is for both you and your users. Can your users seamlessly navigate your site? Can you customize your website without having to spend hours watching video demonstrations just to reformat an image? The bottom line: if your website is difficult to use, then people won’t spend time on it. If your website is difficult to edit, then you won’t want to improve it. 

Does your website accurately represent your brand?

It’s important for every business to maintain consistency, even on their websites. If you are even slightly embarrassed by your out-of-date website, you need a new one. You wouldn’t let your employees misrepresent the values of your company, so why would you permit your website to do so? Innovative and forward-thinking brands should not associate with websites that look like they are from the prehistoric era. 

Are you completely happy with your website?

The thing is, there is no excuse to not be totally proud of your website. If you don’t feel comfortable showing your site to friends and family, that’s a red flag. Do you sometimes cringe when you compare your website to your competitors? Do you secretly hope that your site doesn’t steer customers away from your product? If so, you absolutely need a new website. 

If you know that your website needs a transformation or some minor tweaks, contact WebRevelation today for a free consultation. We offer and a variety of services to make your website mobile friendly, to increase traffic, to make it easy for you and your clients to use, and to represent your mission. You deserve to be proud of your website, so contact us today

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