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Would it be easy or difficult for a hacker to break into your business website? If you don’t know, or suspect that your data isn’t as secure as you might like, then you aren’t alone. We talk with dozens of clients every year who admit they haven’t paid as much attention to online security as they should have in the past.
If you are in the same boat, it’s time to make a change. Most business owners and administrators aren’t aware how serious a hack to their website can be until the worst happens. Then they discover that the damages can cost them tens of thousands of dollars, and possibly even more.
Let’s look at a few obvious symptoms of a website that’s at serious risk for being hacked…
Let's start with the most obvious risk. As we have noted in the past, many hackers use software downloaded from the dark web to “guess” simple passwords. If yours is a fairly common word or name that process could take less than a second. Then, they’ll be into your website’s control panel and free to do or download whatever they want.
If you haven’t taken the time to set complex and unique passwords already, do so now. Passwords should have numbers and/or special symbols, and be about 10 characters long. Then, set yourself a reminder to change them again in six months.
Thieves are constantly looking for ways to get into websites through WordPress and other content management systems, not to mention the plug-ins that run with them. Developers, on the other hand, keep updating their products to stay one step ahead of the hackers.
If you don’t install these updates promptly, you are essentially leaving the doors and windows to your website wide open. Either check for new versions frequently or make sure your web design provider is doing it on your behalf.
You can often spot the signs of a hacking attempt by looking at the dashboard of your web analytics package. You may see a strange spike in traffic, or referrals from your website to another destination. If you catch them soon enough the problem can be easy to fix.
Not only is keeping an eye on your analytics important from an online security perspective, but it’s the best way to make sure your internet marketing campaigns are moving in the right direction. So, this is one activity you definitely don’t want to skip.
If no one is keeping an eye on your website then it will be impossible to tell when hackers start changing your content or injecting malicious code into attachments. The signs might be subtle at first, but they are usually there.
Either make a commitment to reviewing your website for any obvious errors or changes once in a while or make sure the web design team you pay has you covered with 24/7 monitoring.
If you’re tired of worrying about online security – and want to turn your web presence into a source of leads, revenue, and cost savings – then this is your chance to make a change in 2019. Contact the design and technical experts at WebRevelation today to see what we can to do help.