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The 5 Keys to Generating Great Search-Friendly Content

The 5 Keys to Generating Great Search-Friendly Content

By Julie Short This blog was Posted on Tuesday, May  15, 2018 7 YEARS AGO

The 5 Keys to Generating Great Search-Friendly ContentDo you want to generate more content for your search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns, but struggle to write regularly? Or, have you tried to produce regular articles and blog posts but found it’s a challenge to actually get attention from Google and real-world readers?

In either case, the answer might be to follow some professional-grade tips on creating online content. Having a process to guide you makes it easier than it would be to start writing from scratch, and knowing how you should arrange and format your articles increases the odds they’ll show up in Google’s search engine listings.

Let’s look at what you need to do to create the content you need for your website…

#1 Put Topics Before Keywords

The classic mistake business owners and marketers make is trying to write pages or articles structured around keywords. It’s tough to form big ideas from single (sometimes awkward) phrases. A better approach is to simply think about an interesting topic within your business or industry and start your article there. It’s easier to add in keywords later, as needed, than to begin by making them the centerpiece of your content.

#2 Write for Readability

It should go without saying that you don’t want to sacrifice the informational or marketing tone of your article just to fit in one more exact-match keyword phrase. Neither should you weigh your posts down with lots of jargon or acronyms. Think about your average reader or customer. Consider what they know, and which topics or concerns matter to them. Then, set up your content in a way that’s easy for that target market to digest and understand.

#3 Come Up With Sizzling Titles

The standard advice in SEO is that you want your targeted keyword phrase to appear in the title of anything you post online. That’s not bad advice, but we recommend going a little farther. Make sure your titles are interesting to readers. In fact, try to put them together in a way that makes your content seem irresistible. If you need inspiration, check out a few of the websites or blogs you like to read. Then, see if you can tweak the titles or topics to fit your industry.

#4 Select the Right Images and Optimize Them

With a strong title you are essentially “selling” the reader on giving their attention to you. Once they click through to your content, their eyes are going to be naturally drawn to the images or photographs you use to accompany your articles. Make sure you choose something that’s relevant, vivid, and interesting. And, don’t forget to add “alt image text,” as these tags are scanned by Google’s spiders.

#5 Use Internal Links Carefully 

Internal links are important to your SEO and content marketing strategy for a couple of reasons. First, the text you use in your link can help make a page more visible to Google. And second, readers who like your ideas may follow links from one article to the next. Knowing that, you might want to include a couple of links in each post that move readers onto a related subject. You’ll definitely want to end each post with a call to action, too, that invites a searcher to become a customer.

Good SEO Requires Lots of Great Content

If you want to make the most of search engine marketing, you’re either going to have to become proficient at writing content or work with a creative team that will do it for you. Either way, we hope you’ll follow the five tips we’ve outlined in this post. Then, check the WebRevelation blog again soon because we are going to give you more great advice on achieving consistency in your SEO campaigns.

Or, for the very best in web design and search engine optimization advice, contact the WebRevelation offices in San Antonio and Oklahoma City today!

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