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Outside of our industry, it’s a commonly held belief that new business software development is driven by tech-minded people who write code for fun. That occasionally happens, but what occurs far more often is that an aspiring entrepreneur or executive sees a need and decides to have a programming team fill it.
In other words, most custom business software creation is driven by inspiration or necessity.
Typically, business leaders fall on one end of the change curve or another. On one side, you have thinkers who see the possibility to create a ride-sharing app, for example, or an idea to deliver books in digital content to small screens. On the other side, you have taxi business owners to fight the tide of change, or physical retailers who cling to printed books and DVDs.
We all know that innovation tends to win out in the end. Knowing that, one of the most important things you can do is “See” into the future by creating. Today, then, we want to give you a series of questions you can use to start your brainstorming. Answer the following, and see if it leads you towards the inspiration for a new custom business software project…
In most businesses, there is a desire to meet some need that has felt just out of reach. However, technology and perspectives are changing all the time. Something that would have been impossible just a few years ago might now be feasible through mobile technology, cloud computing, or automation. Think about the ways you’d like to expand and then see how you can turn them into reality.
If you have something buyers have been asking you for, now might be the time to give it to them. Custom business software creation is inexpensive, and it doesn’t require any special technical knowledge from a client or entrepreneur. You simply have to tell your programming team what it is you’d like customers to be able to do and we can help you take care of the rest.
Perhaps the people you have working for you are holding on to some really great ideas that would either increase their productivity or make it easier for them to service customers. By getting a sense of what they need to better do their jobs, you could find the basis for a great software development project.
Sometimes, software development is about doing less instead of more. You can automate tasks like data entry, reporting, and even certain bookkeeping functions so you can spend less time doing things that are unenjoyable or unprofitable. If there are parts of your business you would like to spend less money or effort on, look for ways to let software take over the job.
This falls into the area of pure inspiration. The big thinkers of our time sometimes seem to pull great ideas out of nowhere. Take a deep breath and ask yourself what possibilities are on the horizon. Where could the next big business idea or life-changing application come from? Spend enough time brainstorming and you just might hit on a game-changing concept.
Whether you have an idea for a new business, or just an aspect of your existing companies you’d like to explore, the expert programming team at WebRevelation can help. For years, we’ve been helping our clients around San Antonio and Oklahoma City to develop and market custom business software. Why not schedule a consultation to see what we can do for you?