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Customer relationship management tools that are integrated into your business website used to take a backseat to other features, like marketing platforms are interesting designs. With the cost of acquiring new customers going up, however, maintaining the right relationships (and keeping track of details like accurate contact information) is more important than ever.
If that sounds like an overstatement, consider things in a different light: the bulk of the money you'll make this year is probably from existing customers. The more efficient your CRM systems are, the more of that revenue you can gather and keep… and the less of it you'll see "spill out" to your competitors.
That makes automated CRM features important to the bottom line. Here are three features we are helping our customers to implement and profit from:
1. Custom programming for web databases. Having your website be able to collect information from customers and store it in a database is a good start, but what if you have extra fields, need stronger analytics, or want to do some processing that requires advanced functionality?
In that case, custom programming can be the perfect solution. By allowing you to tailor your CRM package to immediate and long-term needs, it can help you reach new levels of effectiveness (and ROI) with marketing and account management.
2. Automated responses and follow-ups. Automated messages and reminders can serve a number of functions, from simple straightforward marketing to account updates, data collection, and so much more. What's best about these solutions is that they are easy to implement, and take an enormous burden off of you and your employees.
That means your team can focus its energy where it matters, without having to worry that customers and sales opportunities are going to "slip through the cracks." Even just a few automated tools can drastically transform your business.
3. Advanced customer differentiation and marketing profiles. In 2013, knowing your customer is every bit as important as finding more of them. By using automated tracking systems, you can learn to identify different segments of your customer base, and even customize your marketing seamlessly.
For that reason, automated CRM that helps you gather, track, and utilize customer analytics can show a high return on investment very quickly.
Not only is automated CRM more important than it used to be, but it's also getting more affordable and easier to implement. To see how small changes in your business could benefit you in a big way, call 817-283-3324 to set up a free consultation and CRM demo.