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Does Your Business Need E-Commerce? WebRevelation Can Help!

E-commerce Design and Development

  • Does your company have an existing e-commerce platform that lacks key functionality?
  • Does the process of placing online orders involve duplicated effort, or otherwise frustrate customers and employees?
  • Are manual processes causing errors or dissatisfied customers?
  • Do limited capabilities limit your ability to process orders or scale with volumes?
  • Do you need to integrate your site’s e-commerce engine with other enterprise systems?

If you’re challenged by any of these situations, turn to the e-commerce web design company with the skills and resources to efficiently extend your e-commerce capabilities: WebRevelation.

We can be your Ecommerce Development Company

WebRevelation designs and develops cost-effective, fully customized end-to-end solutions for manufacturers, distributors, retailers, wholesalers, manufacturer’s reps, and other organizations. Our e-commerce web development services:

  • Create fast, intuitive e-commerce experiences
  • Automate processes to improve customer service, productivity and visibility
  • Seamlessly integrate e-commerce functionality with back-end processes
  • Synchronize with creative merchandising and promotional strategies
  • Result in the exact e-commerce solution for your company
  • Utilize the latest SEO & SEM tactics to ensure you can reach your audiance

Extend functionality while linking processes and resources

As your e-commerce web design / development partner, we leverage the power of your enterprise e-commerce platforms while creating optimal user experiences. WebRevelation’s consultative approach and unique business skillsets allow us to attain your specific operational and performance requirements.

Our expertise also extends beyond transactions and order processing. We can collaborate with you to design and implement a fully integrated e-management system – one that combines a robust e-commerce platform with e-marketing capabilities. The advantage? It enables you to track and capture customer purchasing behavior, so you can quickly identify and act on opportunities.

Mobile e-commerce web design services

Rely on WebRevelation for mobile-optimized e-commerce sites for customers on the go. Mobile (m-commerce) versions of our clients' sites can provide access to a complete product catalog or a streamlined selection tailored directly to your mobile customers and users. With exponential growth in the volume of mobile transactions, we can position your company to provide them with an efficient and engaging multichannel experience.

WebRevelation E-commerce web development client: Gellco Clothing & Shoes

Gellco Clothing and ShoesGellco is an outdoor apparel and footwear supplier serving industrial, manufacturing, oil & gas, service industry, and construction firms seeking to equip employees with durable apparel. The company has grown over the years to four physical locations along with mobile shoe stores that travel to the customer.

  • With the upgraded system developed by WebRevelation, Gellco could easily set unique pricing for each client organization.
  • Virtual wallets were assigned to track individual employee spending and admin log-ins allowed employers to monitor and manage spending activity as desired.
  • The new system also included Business Intelligence functionality to support best practices for sales and marketing.

Find out More About Gellco Clothing & Shoes

Extend your e-commerce opportunities

Choose the e-commerce web designers that can enhance your company’s revenues and efficiency through affordable e-commerce development. Contact WebRevelation today. 

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